2. From : Jaipur, INDIA
3. Contact number: +919829270372 Email id : shaliniedwin3@gmail.com
4. Brief highlight on journey with God: Before joining the Laughing Women organisation, I worked as a territory manager in a corporate firm with the only agenda of sharing the Word of Christ, amongst the gentiles. I also happen to have a burden for preaching the women in prison, where I have been going on on weekly basis. My calling for the dissemination of the Word began from opening a small prayer cell at my home which flourished in number, every week. My major and the most intimate journey began in 2011 when I went to Rhema Bible College , so as to study, in depth, the Word of God. This 5 month course was the result of the word that God gave me when I started preaching – Jeremiah 33:3. ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Having came back, God used me majorly in hospitals. One, I served as a person who prayed for the sick people who got healed in the name of Jesus. And secondly, worked with the rural people, with an outreach program of another hospital, taking care of their health and sanitation, supported by prayers, preaching for every individual that came by. I also distributed the Bible to the people, during my visits to the village.
God touched me in the year 2001 and still is increasing me in His Word, till date, teaching me something new and using me for His glory day by day.
4. Visions and aspirations: To open an orphanage and an old age home in coming future and to WIN as many SOULS as I can for the Lord.
5. Completed laughing women tasks: None
6. Their journey with Laughing women: Just started
7. Their laughing women stories: –
8. Brief descriptions of Laughing women champions in their team: –

Thanx & Regards,

Shalini Edwin